Knowledge Lab was recently awarded $20 million by NSF Assessing and Predicting Technology Outcomes (APTO)
Knowledge Lab has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles in top journals across disciplines
Knowledge Lab publications have been cited more than 10,000 times in academic literature.
More than 50 research affiliates contribute to the projects conducted at Knowledge Lab.
Knowledge underlies society’s potential to adapt, innovate, and flourish. Artificial intelligence and the explosion of digital information offer unprecedented opportunities to study, model, and transform the nature of human and post-human understanding, from its emergence in discovery and invention to its realization in innovation and growth. Knowledge Lab develops novel artificial intelligence, big data, and crowdsourced approaches to:
Discover, harvest, and represent knowledge from humans, artifacts, and machines
Understand how knowledge is constructed, deployed, and destroyed
Recombine and generate new knowledge for new problems
Improve knowledge creation, management and innovation…everywhere.